Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

The students must have attendance in minimum 75% of total classes in a year. Otherwise, students will not be allowed to be promoted to the next class and to fill up the forms for University Exam. Such cases may be allowed with financial punishment decided by the authority of College.The students not appearing at the Test / Class exam will not be promoted for form fill up in University Exam. However the authority reserves the right to sent up those students prenalizing them financially, the amount to be decided time to time and as per merit of cases.Breach of College rules and discipline by a student shall warrante expulsion or such other exemplary punitive measures as the authority may deem fit.Use of mobile phones, i-pod, and other similar gadgets by students are strictly NOT allowed in class rooms and Exam. Hall. The fine of Rs. 100/ - will be imposed on offenders in every case.Parents and authorised guardians of students can enter the college premises for official work during working hours.All genuine students must carry their own college I-Card always in campus and produce for verification of Identity when asked so.


  1. College Uniform

    The students are instructed strictly to wear the prescribed college uniform positively in campus every working day. As the college this year(2013) newly introduces separate College Uniform for +3 First Year Students, the concerned are advised to note the colour of uniform seriously.
    Boys : Pant- Cream (Ghee)
    Shirt- Red Check
    Girls : Cream (Ghee)
    Punjabi/Kameez - Red Check & Cream
    Scraf (Chuni) - Cream (Ghee)

  2. Change of Subject

    No change of subject shall be allowed after 15days of Admission. However the student may apply for the change of subject after notification. The Authority may consider such cases on the basis of merit and availability of seats. He/She has to deposit a fee of Rs. 50/- (Fifty) only.


    (i)The students must have attendance in minimum 70% of the total classes. The students securing below such percentage will not be allowed to be promoted to the next class and to fillup the forms for the Examination. Such cases may be allowed with financial punishment decided by the authority of the institution.
    (ii) The students not appearing at the class examination will not be promoted to the next class. However, the authority reserves the right to promote those students penalizing them financially Rs. 100/- (Hundred) only per paper and Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred) only for the whole Exam.


    i) Breach of College rules by a student shall warrant expulsion or such other exemplary punitive measures as the authority may deem fit.
    ii) Since this institution is managed by its own Governing body, Students who are not willing to read with existing facilities available in the College may seek admission elsewhere.
    iii) Students are not allowed to take TC on the ground of distance or non-availability of transport.
    iv) Students who are not willing to abide by Rules, Regulation & Discipline of this college may seek admission elsewhere.
    v) Use of mobile phones by the students, are strictly not allowed in the campus. The fine of Rs. 10/- will be imposed on offenders.
    vi) Infringement of Rules & Discipline by a Students or his/her Guardian shall not be entertained and the student shall be penalized through compulsory T.C
    vii) Only authorized guardian of the students can enter the college premises for any official work during working hours, Parents & Guardians are requested to give special attention to this aspect.


    The college library contains a good number of books arranged subjectwise in sections and sub-sections. The staff members, students of the college may use the library with valid permission or prescribed library Indentity Cards. The Library is open during the college hours only and the last period of every working day is set for office work of the library & during that period no book is issued or returned. A book once issued to a borrower may be reissued to him/her only when nobody wants to take the same before reissue.


    Guardians of the students may meet the principal or academic head and enquire about the welfare and progress of their wards. They are also requested to meet the principal when advised to do so.


    (a) Each and every student has to pay his/her own fees within the 10th of every month. Those who will not pay their establishment fees for the three months consecutively their names will be cut off from the Register and he/ she has to pay Rs. 100/- (One Hundred) only towards the fine for the Re-installment of his/her Name. (b) Students cannot claim exemption from the payment of fees, default fine or re-admission fees as a matter of right. Such exemption rests soley on the discretion of the Governing Body represented through the Secretary. (c) Unauthorised collection of any kind or money by students or staff for any purpose will be treated as Serious Breach of College Rules and Discipline.